Monday 17 September 2012

The Science of “Chunking,” Working Memory, and How Pattern Recognition Fuels Creativity

Recently discovered, which is a treasure chest of interesting posts.  Seriously, if you can't find several postings that interest you, you may not actually have a pulse and/or brain.

This recent posting is particularly interesting.

"The main purpose of consciousness is to search for and discover structured chunks of information within working memory, so that they can then be used efficiently and automatically, with minimal further input from consciousness."

"Perhaps what most distinguishes us humans from the rest of the animal kingdom is our ravenous desire to find structure in the information we pick up in the world. We cannot help actively searching for patterns — any hook in the data that will aid our performance and understanding. We constantly look for regularities in every facet of our lives, and there are few limits to what we can learn and improve on as we make these discoveries."

Read on.  Very interesting.

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