Tuesday 11 September 2012

Deep versus shallow models of Manual therapy


I suspect that this posting will resonate most directly with PT's, but it is also important for any therapist that works with their hands.  It is written by Diane Jacobs, a PT who has been very active in promoting an interactor model of manual therapy.  

From Diane F Jacobs, PT and Jason L Silvernail, DPT, DSc, FAAOMPT; Therapist as operator or interactor? Moving beyond the technique. J Man Manip Ther. 2011 May; 19(2): 120–121.
"the context of the treatment including the technique, the provider, the participant, the environment, and the interaction between these factors may contribute to patient outcomes.’ It is precisely this interaction between various factors that we need to consider, and not simply the performance of one or more techniques as an ‘operator.’ We believe this interactive model to also be scientifically congruent with the emerging explanatory model of the multifactorial, biopsychosocial pain experience, the neuromatrix."

Enjoy the post and I invite you to explore deeper into these ideas, her blog (http://humanantigravitysuit.blogspot.ca/), as well as SomaSimple (http://www.somasimple.com/), a great place to learn more about these concepts.

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