Sunday 9 September 2012

Neuroplasticity & the Feldenkrais Method

An excellent 10 minute interview with Michael Merzenich, a well known neuroscientist at the University of California. So many great thoughts, ideas, and ways to think about movement and neural processes.

I love this quote:
"It is better to try to move to a point in space in 100 different speeds in 100 different ways … than to move 200 times in the same way to get to that point in space.

We are trying increasingly to build this into all of our cognitive training exercises that we do. Because we know that that’s really what the brain wants – to be able to set up the conditions by which it can solve the task in almost any circumstance."

Engaging the idea of sharpening our movement mind. Choosing movements that are novel, interesting, curious, exploratory and functionally relevant.  We should pay attention while doing them.  In other words, don’t just go through the movements, make sure they have some meaning, or the brain will properly ignore them.

Sounds like fun, huh!

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