Sunday 28 April 2013

(Succinct & Excellent) Chapter Summaries - Sensitive Nervous System - David Butler

Universally accepted as a tremendous resource for modern neurobiology, pain science, and the biopsychosocial approach for nervous system and pain management, David Butler's "The Sensitive Nervous System" is essential reading.

Zac Cupples, a PT from Illinois, USA, has written some very excellent chapter summaries.  This link will get you to them.

or can access his site directly:

These are no substitute for reading the book, but once you have, these are excellent overviews and encapsulate the essential points in the book very well.  Great stuff!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Meditation and Pain

Another great post from Todd Hargrove at Better Movement. All about the role of meditation and mindfulness in training the ability to optimally filter sensory information.

"Meditation seems like powerful medicine indeed, perhaps second only to general exercise in its health benefits. I find it fascinating that this all purpose mental muscle can be developed by something as simple as focusing attention on bodily sensations."