Tuesday 22 January 2013

Upcoming Webinar "Chronic Pain: Is it all in the Brain?"

The Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability (CIRPD) is presenting a series of Webinars over the next 3 months.
On April 16, 2013, 1:00pm PST there will be a webinar entitled "Chronic Pain: Is it all in the Brain?" led by Dr. Fernando Cervero

What changes happen to the brain when a person transitions from acute to chronic pain? Dr. Cervero will discuss these changes and help us understand that effective therapies must deal with both the cause of the pain and the change in pain perception that happens too.

Dr. Fernando Cervero will join us to explain these changes in pain perception and identify the brain mechanisms that cause them.

This webinar will help you:
To understand that the transition from acute to chronic pain involves the generation of increased excitability of the brain centres involved in pain perception.
To identify which brain mechanisms generate pain hypersensitivity and how these mechanisms cause chronic pain.
To understand how effective therapies for chronic pain must deal not only with the causes of pain (injury, inflammation etc) but also with the enhanced sensitivity of the brain to pain perception.

To register, see this link.
Sounds like a good one.  Will probably try to gather a group of people together at GF Strong to view it together.

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