Tuesday 18 December 2012

Another Course: Graded Motor Imagery - One Day Seminar with Sam Steinfeld, BSc, BMR (PT), Sunday February 10, 2013

This one is being offered through Vancouver Coastal Health.  Good for us!
Sam Steinfeld has been teaching NOI - Neuro Orthopedic Institute - courses in Canada since 1997.

Graded Motor Imagery (GMI) is an emerging new rehabilitation strategy for chronic pain states. GMI comprises a sequence of strategies including laterality restoration (being able to identify left and right limbs, or movement to the left or right), motor imagery and mirror therapy via use of a mirror box.

Evidence for the use of GMI comes from basic sciences (neuroscience) and clinical trials. It can offer substantial improvements in pain and disability in complex regional pain syndrome and phantom limb pain and anecdotally, the GMI programme, or parts of it may offer improvements in a range of chronic pain states such as brachial plexus lesions and osteoarthritis.

Course description

The GMI course provides the most up to date basic sciences, clinical trials, and clinical use of the programme. The course is a series of lectures, practical sessions and clinical applications.

Course objectives:

1. Knowledge of the basic sciences underpinning the use of GMI, including the neuromatrix paradigms, neuroplasticity and mirror neurones

2. Practical knowledge and skills on the use of laterality reconstruction, motor imagery and mirror therapy.

3. The skills to adapt the GMI programme to various patient groups

4. An awareness of the ongoing research programmes in GMI and the basic sciences validating its use 

5. Perhaps a desire to contribute to ongoing research programmes. 

Course Program – 8:00am to 4:00pm
  • Registration 8:00 to 8:30am 
  • Introduction and history of GMI 
  • Neuroscience 1 The neuromatrix paradigm 
  • Neuroscience 2 Mirror neurons
  • Neuroscience 3 Plasticity and contextualization
  • Graded exposure principles and application to GMI
  • Neuroscience Education as GMI ally – what do you tell them?
  • Laterality reconstruction: theory, principles and techniques
  • Motor imagery: theory, principles and techniques 

This course is open to health professionals involved in pain and stress management. While there are no prerequisites for this course attendance at an Explain Pain course would certainly assist, as would study of the information and resources provided at www.gradedmotorimagery.com.

Logistical Information:
Vancouver, BC | 10 February 2013 
Venue Multipurpose room 1 + 2, Level 1, Jim Pattison Tower 
855 West 12th Ave, Vancouver BC Time 8:00 am – 4:00 pm 
Cost $250 per person 
Host Vancouver Coastal Health 
Morning coffee and lunch will be provided. Parking $15/day or with VCH ID staff rate $8.50/day. 

To register or for more information:
Direct your enquiry via e-mail to either: 

Dolores.Langford@vch.ca or, Catherine.LeCornuLevet@vch.ca 

Complete and forward the form below along with payment by cheque to:
Catherine Le Cornu Levett, Rehab Services, Level 1 Jim Pattison Tower 855 West 12th Ave Vancouver BC V5Z 1M9

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