Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Problem with MRI's

An excellent post from the Better Movement (Todd Hargrove) blog.

Though undoubtedly an important diagnostic/imaging technique that can be useful...

"many studies have shown that almost no matter where you point an MRI on a body, you can find something wrong there, even parts that are completely free of pain."
"many doctors assign too much importance to abnormal findings on an MRI. There are several recent articles discussing this."
"the problem is that ”finding out what is in going on the tissues” can really scare people about the condition of their body, which can make pain and disability worse. "

Very important for patients and therapists to think about, huh.

"MRIs are obviously useful and sometimes completely necessary tools that can be used to accomplish a great many good things. But like any tool, they can be abused, and it seems that there is currently an epidemic of MRI abuse."

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