Sunday 3 June 2012

So I was recently introduced to this website via a colleague who suggested I watch a Youtube video re: the parietal cortex processing of somatosensory input, as well as how it mixes it up with visual and other input.  It's kind of like your own brain watching you work with your own hands...

Here's the link for that video:
It is REALLY interesting!

That video is part of a six-part series available on 3 DVD's through (scroll down page).  The series goes through 1) Brain Overview, 2) Left Hemisphere, 3) Frontal Lobes, 4) Parietal Lobes, 5) Temporal Lobes, 6) Limbic System.

You can also watch the rest of the six part series on Youtube.  They are easily found from the first link above.

The site really is a deep resource.  If you love reading and learning about neuroscience, consciousness, evolution, brain injury, stroke, then you will really get into it.

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