Thursday 15 March 2012

Is Chronic Pain a Disease in its Own Right?

If you have been following Pain BC's efforts to categorize Chronic pain as a disease state, then this post will be interesting and timely.
This pain strategy is being mirrored nationally in Australia...

Lorimer Moseley:
"So, while I think the Australian National Pain Strategy is excellent, and while I have the utmost respect for the people driving it and wish to give it my wholehearted support, I don’t think that we are helping to reconceptualise the truly multifactorial, truly biopsychosocial nature of pain, its fundamentally emergent property, the fact that it is a conscious experience, by shifting the culprit tissue from the periphery to the CNS. I do think we should be embracing the contribution to chronic pain of structural and functional changes within our CNS and elsewhere, but to call these pain seems, to me, to be a failure of reasoning."

Read on:

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