Monday 20 August 2012

General Guide to the Contributing Mechanisms of a Pain State

This post is really just to introduce a general guide that we can use to interpret how a patient describes their pain. One might go through the different sections (in different colours on this slide) and place a tick next to the relevant mechanism.

Sunday 19 August 2012

It’s Time to Quit fooling ourselves…It’s time to Move Forward in the Treatment of Pain

This is an excellent post from Joe Brence, a DPT from Pittsburgh, PA (USA). He is a treating physical therapist who also performs literature reviews for ,, and and clinical research investigating the neurophysiological effects of manual therapy techniques. He is highly interested in the incorporation of pain science (using a biopsychosocial model) into clinical practice and believes its understanding is vital for us to define ourselves as evidence-based clinicians. 

Saturday 18 August 2012

Pain Science Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association

A long time coming, seeing this link on the Australian "Body in Mind" ( website made it clear that this knowledge should be posted on this blog too. This is written by Neil Pearson, a very well known and respected Physiotherapist and Yoga practitioner who works in Penticton, BC.

Here's the link and the content....

The Pain Science Division (PSD) of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) was founded in 2008, through the dedicated work of a small group of Canadian PTs. Diane Jacobs brought Dave Walton, Nick Matheson, Sebastian Asselbergs, Eric Matheson and me together, initially forming the Canadian Physiotherapy Pain Science Group (CPPSG). In 2005 we approached the CPA, requesting to become one of its divisions. There was considerable resistance and before we had a chance to submit a formal proposal, the CPA declared a temporary moratorium on accepting new divisions. We had met with little acknowledgement that pain science was important or missing in PT. The influential people at that time probably hoped we would go away, or as one of them suggested, “…figure out that when a person in pain wasn’t getting better, we just needed to do a better mechanical assessment”.

We decided to become influential outside of CPA, continuing as the CPPSG. Between 2005 and 2008, our group started an online newsletter, reviewing new pain science research, discussing and explaining the role of physiotherapy in pain management, and gently challenging PT paradigms. These newsletters became popular, and we gained some influence and understanding from a larger group of Canadian PTs.

In 2007, our group decided it was time to convince CPA that we should be a recognized division. By then, the work of Lorimer Moseley and David Butler had started to infiltrate more of Canadian PT practice, and there had been a shift in the influential people in CPA. We had changed too, realizing that we needed to present a slick professional proposal, with statistics in order to be accepted. Thanks to the work of Diane Jacobs, Debbie Patterson, Lesley Norris, Dave Walton, Mike Sangster and I, our proposal was not only accepted but considered by the CPA CEO as the gold standard for future division proposals.

Our work since 2008…
A newsletter, between 4-6 times per year.
A successful online basic pain science and pain management course, called the Virtual Pain Symposium.
2-3 educational teleconferences each year for CPA members.
An open access online directory of Canadian PTs interested in pain science and pain management.
Developing an online repository of assessment tools for PT pain management and research.
Our membership is just less than 10% of Canadian PTs.
Creating working relationships with the Canadian Pain Society (CPS).
Elected a new Chair – Dave Walton, PT, PhD, and Newsletter editor – Susan Tupper, PT, PhD.

At this time, the PSD has a number of goals – increase our membership, increase PT post-grad pain science and pain management education and resources, and enhance our position within external groups such as the CPS. To succeed at the latter we need to continue collaboration with key members of the CPS, continue presenting research and education symposia at the annual CPS conference, and continue convincing the Canadian PTs and CPA that pain is an important PT health care issue. The 2012 Canadian Pain Summit, and call for a National Pain Strategy is ideally suited to help us position Canadian PTs as leaders in pain management in the eyes of the public and government. The CPA and PSD are working hard in this regard. More info on the Summit and

After stepping down as PSD, I stepped up my work with other pain groups. I am now a board member of Pain BC – a non-profit aimed at improving pain care in our province. I accepted a position on the executive committee of the Canadian Pain Summit as the only non-MD health professional. I contribute to the Canadian Pain Coalition's newsletter (our key patient advocacy group) writing their “Ask a PT” column. And I continue working with the Arthritis Association and our local hospitals providing public pain education sessions across the country. Thanks to much of this work, the Canadian Pain Society is awarding me their Excellence in Interprofessional Pain Education Award in 2012. 

Monday 6 August 2012

PAIN BC Webinar: Myths and Facts About Sleep and Chronic Pain

Pain BC and CIRPD in collaboration with the Canadian Pain Coalition are pleased to announce the second session in our new webinar series, "Myths and Facts about Sleep and Chronic Pain". The webinar will feature Dr. Jonathan Fleming, MD, a consultant in the Sleep Disorders Program at the UBC Hospital and Associate Head for Education in the Department of Psychiatry at UBC.

The series, "Chronic Pain, Improving Life While Living It" is an opportunity for people living with pain and their families to hear from top researchers and practitioners on ways to live well with chronic pain. In this webinar, Dr. Fleming will review the findings from a variety of studies addressing the intricate, reciprocal relationship between pain and disturbed sleep, discussing the known mechanisms whereby pain disrupts sleep and disturbed sleep exacerbates pain. He will also describe the control of normal sleep and describe evidence-based strategies for maintaining a normal sleep-wake rhythm.

DATE: Tuesday, August 14, 2010

TIME: 11:00 am - noon (PDT)

Register Now:

Saturday 4 August 2012

2012 Pain BC Conference - "The Evolution of Pain Management" - October 20/2012, Vancouver, BC

Please save the date and register for this conference now!
Inter-disciplinary evidence-based education from the frontline, for the frontline.

The pain management landscape has changed dramatically in recent years and continues to evolve at a rapid pace. A paradigm shift is underway as the difference, and the link, between acute and chronic pain become more clearly understood. There is a growing recognition of the scope and severity of persistent pain, as well as the critical role self-management plays in a patient’s outcomes and return to function. New information is constantly emerging, with significant opportunities to improve practice on the front lines.

On October 20th, 2012, the province’s leading clinical experts and scholars in pain management will assemble for a landmark event to share the latest developments and cutting-edge research. Sessions will focus on practical learning for health care practitioners from all disciplines. Breakout sessions will include best practice approaches, emerging research and interactive discussion on how participants may apply the learning in the context of their practice. These sessions are ideally suited to those practitioners who wish to acquire the latest knowledge and tools to most effectively understand and manage their patients’ pain.

Topics will include:

· The Role of Hope for People Living with Persistent Pain

· Practical Pain Assessment and Management for the Bedside Practitioner

· Supporting Pain Self Management In Acute Care Settings

· Addictions: Pain Management for the Opiate Experienced Patient

· Avoiding Medication Mayhem: Pharmacological Approaches for Chronic Pain

· Pain Management In Older Adults

· Getting Your Patient Back To Work

· Prevention of Post-Surgical Chronic Pain

· Getting Your Child Back To School /Work

· Pain Management in Palliative Care

· And more…

A panel of patient experts will share their stories over lunch.

Space is limited – last year’s event sold out. Register early!