Wednesday 25 April 2012

The Brain From Top to Bottom - Amazing Website Resource!!

Hosted through, with credits given to the Canadian Institute of Health Research: Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health, and Addiction.  This site will blow you away!  It is constructed as an interactive website about the human brain and behavior.

It includes information on anatomy, function, embryology, movement, senses, emotion, consciousness, thought, language, pleasure, and pain.  You can, with a click, change the level of organization (social, psychological, neurological, cellular, molecular), or the level of explanation (beginner, intermediate, advanced).  It will help you, your colleagues, and patients, better understand their nervous system and how it works.  Kind of like an owner's manual that we never received!

If you want a shortcut to the materials around Pain:

Wednesday 18 April 2012

PAIN BC AGM - Saturday May 5, 2012

Pain BC AGM - May 5, Metrotown Hilton, 3:00 pm

Become a Member and Have a Say in Pain BC!

Are you a Pain BC member? If so, please renew your membership and come out to the Pain BC Annual General Meeting on May 5. If you're not yet a member, join us now! Members are able to elect Board members and vote on by-law changes that affect how our organization operates. 
Come hear what we've been up to this year, learn about our goals for 2012/2013 and play a part in changing pain in BC!

Monday 16 April 2012

The 'Transforming Pain' Research Group

This research group, led by Diane Gromala, and co-led by Chris Shaw, is housed at the SFU Surrey campus, and is at the forefront of innovative new research and treatment possibilities for people living with chronic pain.

Friday 13 April 2012

Excellent Website Resource for People with Brain Injury

A very well designed website for people with brain injury, their families, and the people working with them.

Full of information, resources, and forums for further discussion.

Monday 9 April 2012

Clinical Assessment and Interpretation of Pain Intensity

This posting is from Neil Pearson, PT, and is from his Life is Now website.

This article is written with the intent to provide clinicians with some details of how to use and interpret the Numeric Pain rating Scale (NPRS) and variations of the Visual Analog Scale (VAS).

These are key points to consider as we attempt to integrate these outcome measures into our practice/treatment of people with pain.