Sunday 26 February 2012

Graded Motor Imagery - NOI group

Used mostly to treat people with pathological pain syndromes such as complex regional pain syndrome and phantom limb pain, graded motor imagery is a process of rehabilitation designed to target synapses and to capitalize on the adaptability and neuroplasticity in our brains.  It includes: 1) Laterality Reconstruction, 2) Motor Imagery, and 3) Mirror Therapy.

Here is the NOI site dedicated to learning in this area.  It includes videos, and links to useful products.

Monday 20 February 2012

Great New Paper on Targeting the Brain for Treatment of Pain

Here is an excellent short review of what is known about the connection between chronic pain and changes to the brain, and how this information might be used by therapists to treat chronic pain.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Pain BC Resource: Pain Toolbox - Options for Developing a Personal Toolbox of Pain Solutions

Here is an important resource for people with pain, and the clinicians that work with them.
This "Pain Toolbox" provides a multi-faceted strategy to help people grow their treatment options for reducing their pain.

If you haven't already, browse the Pain BC website (see link on the left side of page).  Their hard work is helping lead the charge to actually create systemic changes in our health care system to improve the lives of people living with persistent pain.

Here's the link to the PDF document.  It's excellent!

Friday 17 February 2012

Excellent video resource! Understanding Pain: What to do about it in Less than 5 Minutes

If you haven't already, take literally 5 minutes and watch this video.  It is packed with current pain science, and the drawings are fabulous.